Prudhoe in Bloom

Prudhoe in Bloom

‘In Bloom’ Taking Pride in Your Patch

The Town Council run Prudhoe in Bloom competition has been going since 2005, with a few changes along the way;

In 2007 the competition expanded to include rear gardens, and in 2008 a new category was created for Churches, and one for Schools.  The Prudhoe in Bloom group continues to think of ways to generate more interest in the competition.

The first big change was introducing an element of environmental responsibility into gardening – bonus points for water butts, compost bins, insect friendly plants and flowers (aren’t they all) and bird feeders and ponds.  It was a break from the norm but the ‘In Bloom’ group felt that it was important to make clear that it’s not just about the attractiveness of the garden, what goes on behind the scenes is also important; recycling, saving water and encouraging wildlife. The second and most personal change to the ‘In Bloom’ competition was the introduction of the Pauline Howdon Hanging Basket award.  Right up to her death in 2015 Pauline was a champion of the Prudhoe in Bloom competition, rightly proud of the beautiful gardens she and husband Rob had achieved.  Pauline was a lady who was generous in thought and deed and Rob, who still enters the competition, is very proud that this trophy has been created in her name.

The third innovation was to introduce the ‘community award’.  This was born from our friends at Paddock Close, who still support the competition, and although achieving wonderful displays in their front gardens, didn’t want to be pitted against each other.  The ‘In Bloom’ group didn’t see this as a problem; they used it as an opportunity and created an element of the competition that would commend those who garden for each other. ‘Taking Pride in Your Patch’ came to life and the hope was that the Paddock Wood posse would inspire others to do the same – they have and community gardening has sprung up in other areas of the town.  We are sure there are many more examples of this and hope that every year more people get involved.  The Community Award isn’t just about gardening; it’s about the difference it makes in the community and the benefits not just to those involved but to those living nearby.

For the first year ever Prudhoe Town Council and Prudhoe in Bloom agreed that there should be a ‘Community Champion Award’, to be presented to an individual who goes the extra mile, and in this case literally as well as figuratively.  Many townsfolk will have seen this person about and thought ‘she deserves a medal’.  The winner of the ‘Community Champion’ award for 2018 is Marion Lewis and she was presented with a glass keepsake by way of thanks for the endless hours litter collecting, slaying Himalayan Balsam and generally being an all-round wonderful human being.

It is clear to see what was a gardening competition has become a celebration of community spirit and pride and the reason for this is the community spirited volunteers who are involved: Moira Wooldridge, Janet Porter, James Dobson and this year Cllr Chris Cuthbert and Cllr Russ Greig who are committed to celebrating what is good about this town.

We are proud to say that we have had the same residential judge, Mrs Vivienne Bolton, from the start.  Mrs Bolton continues to enjoy visiting the gardens in Prudhoe and describes that horticultural standards have improved each year and clearly entrants try really hard.  There is a great effort made by all who enter and we really are very lucky to be able to celebrate and praise such effort.

Our remarkable schools support this competition each year, not being deterred by the judging visit in the very last week of school before the summer break.  Vivienne and Dean Readman of Hollybush Landscaping are our school garden judges and they take great pleasure in speaking to pupils about their school gardens; sharing stories of success and garden disasters which is all part of the learning process. We are so grateful to the schools for welcoming us into their gardens each year and for allowing the children to share their enthusiasm and learning with the judges.

In Bloom Working Group

There is an ‘In Bloom’ working group of the Town Council that meets as necessary during the year and attracts those keen and interested in the appearance of the town.  As well as helping to oversee the Prudhoe in Bloom competition, the group share ideas and present proposals to the town council, for spending on environmental issues.  Members are also actively involved in other groups that meet to tidy up the town  (Prudhoe Ground Force).

The group is also responsible for the town’s entry to Northumbria in Bloom; 2015 saw our re-entry into this competition, following a 2 year break.

In 2012 the Town achieved a Silver Gilt overall, as well as Gold awards for Prudhoe Gardener’s Association Allotments and Ferndene Children and Young People’s In-Patient Hospital, and Silver Medals for Our Lady & St Cuthberts Catholic Church and Eastgate Manor Care Home, Mickley.

This year (2015) the town received a Silver Gilt Award and the residential gardens of Mr Howdon (High Shaw, Prudhoe) and Mr & Mrs Batey (Park Lane, Prudhoe) that were entered into Best Front Garden, won GOLD awards.  This is a great achievement in this regional competition and the pictures below show their beautiful gardens.

There are also community groups in the town who are part of Northumbria in Bloom, ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’. Further details can be found on the dedicated website.

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Facebook contains a video of the photographs taken during judging visits, please click HERE to view.

Mayor, Councillor Tracy Gilmore welcomed a wonderful collective of residents to the Prudhoe in Bloom 2018 Awards Presentation on Saturday 22nd September.

Cllr Tracy Gilmore described the changes in the competition over the years.

The first big change was introducing an element of environmental responsibility into gardening – bonus points for water butts, compost bins, insect friendly plants and flowers (aren’t they all) and bird feeders and ponds.  It was a break from the norm but the ‘In Bloom’ group felt that it was important to make clear that it’s not just about the attractiveness of the garden, what goes on behind the scenes is also important; recycling, saving water and encouraging wildlife.

The second and most personal change to the ‘In Bloom’ competition was the introduction of the Pauline Howdon Hanging Basket award.  Right up to her death in 2015 Pauline was a champion of the Prudhoe in Bloom competition, rightly proud of the beautiful gardens she and husband Rob had achieved.  Pauline was a lady who was generous in thought and deed and Rob, who still enters the competition, is very proud that this trophy has been created in her name.

The third innovation was to introduce the ‘community award’.  This was born from our friends at Paddock Close, who still support the competition, and although achieving wonderful displays in their front gardens, didn’t want to be pitted against each other.  The ‘In Bloom’ group didn’t see this as a problem; they used it as an opportunity and created an element of the competition that would commend those who garden for each other. ‘Taking Pride in Your Patch’ came to life and the hope was that the Paddock Wood posse would inspire others to do the same – they have and community gardening has sprung up in other areas of the town.  We are sure there are many more examples of this and hope that every year more people get involved.  The Community Award isn’t just about gardening; it’s about the difference it makes in the community and the benefits not just to those involved but to those living nearby.

For the first year ever Prudhoe Town Council and Prudhoe in Bloom agreed that there should be a ‘Community Champion Award’, to be presented to an individual who goes the extra mile, and in this case literally as well as figuratively.  Many townsfolk will have seen this person about and thought ‘she deserves a medal’.  The winner of the ‘Community Champion’ award for 2018 is Marion Lewis and she was presented with a glass keepsake by way of thanks for the endless hours litter collecting, slaying Himalayan Balsam and generally being an all-round wonderful human being.

It is clear to see what was a gardening competition has become a celebration of community spirit and pride and the reason for this is the community spirited volunteers who are involved: Moira Wooldridge, Janet Porter, James Dobson and this year Cllr Chris Cuthbert and Cllr Russ Greig who are committed to celebrating what is good about this town.

Please click on the link below to view all the entries and winners, with some photographs from the presentation at the end.

Prudhoe in Bloom 2018

Click on the link below to view a video of the wonderful photographs taken in 2017.

watch video via Facebook

Saturday 16th September was about celebrating effort and community spirit, lots of people in the town go an extra mile to make the place special and that is what Prudhoe in Bloom is about.

‘Taking Pride in Your Patch’ is why we have COMMUNITY AWARDS, we hope to build on these entries each year and see more and more examples popping up around the town.  Those who entered into the spirit of this section are those gardening and sprucing up patches that are not their own; maybe beside where they live or an extension of their own garden but we think everyone will agree they are doing ‘more’ to keep up appearances and make our little corner of the world a bit special.  We give these awards because of them – they have been ‘taking pride in their patch’ for some time.

The entries in 2017 were:

Ruskin Court Lay – By, Moira Wooldridge and Barbara Young have been weeding and planting this neglected lay-by for four years and they can now look on and see the results, as can all neighbours and people passing through.  They have created a bughouse and are all about encouraging bees and pollinators.  Vouchers from last year have been re-invested in the area.

We also have the much talked about Paddock Close, looked after by Tom Helm, George and Hazel Ather, Barbara and Hugh Robinson and Shirley Costello – they remain a social media sensation and last year thought they were being visited by unannounced judges when it was someone who had just visited to see what all the fuss was about.  The blooming results are the work of these four houses all pitching in and planting pots, tubs and baskets and if you haven’t seen them already, you must have a look.

We also have again Bewick Garth at Mickley, this is quite a new project that started with grass-cutting at each side of the road that then went on to planting up tubs.  The area itself is enjoyed by residents, when the weather is kind, for village BBQ’s, the Queen’s Tea Party and fundraising events.  Julie & Marc Fleck, Joan & Terry Lee and George & Jan Hepburn are the force behind the initiative and again they have reinvested vouchers from last year into the project.  The area is passed on the way to Cherryburn so is pleasing for visitors as well as residents.

There are two new entries this year, the first is the West Road Cemetery Group who have worked tirelessly and continue to do so to eventually open up this historical area to the public.  People are desperate to get in to look at headstones and remember family dating back as far as the 1800’s and it will be possible, watch this space!  There are too many names to mention all those involved; a definite team effort.

The 2nd new entry is Mickley Social Club.  Anyone travelling along the A695 must have noticed the new frontage and flower displays on show.  This has been carried out by volunteers; Ian Gilhome has looked after the beautiful window boxes and Andrew Stanton created new boards to display the events.  Volunteers are determined that Mickley Social Club will remain a part of the community and their efforts show how dedicated they are to making sure the club looks its best.

1st Place


Tom Helm, George and Hazel Ather, Shirley Costello and Barbara and Andy Robinson

2nd Place


Barbara Young and Moira Wooldridge

3rd Place


Highly Commended


Ian Gilhome and Andrew Stanton

Highly Commended


Julie and Marc Fleck, Terry and Joan Lee and Jan and George Hepburn

Our very special HANGING BASKET AWARD was new in 2016, created specially in memory of Pauline Howdon, the late wife of Rob Howdon.  Pauline and Rob entered the Prudhoe in Bloom competition from the beginning when Ian Warburton ran it on behalf of the council.

The results for the Pauline Howdon Hanging Basket Awards are as follows:

Peter Hyman, Eastwood House, Bronze Award

Adrian Porter, Scales Cresent, Platinum Award and winner for the South Ward

Ian & Pauline Gilhome, Cheviot View, Bronze Award

Rob Howdon, High Shaw, Gold Award

George & Margaret Tindall, Otter Burn Way, Platinum Award and winners for the North Ward

Mr & Mrs Frazer, Castle Road, Gold Award

Mr & Mrs Hull, Maple Grove, Platinum Award

Mr & Mrs Scott, Lime Grove, Platinum Award

Mrs Milton, Burnside, Mickley, Gold Award and winner for Mickley Ward

Satya Varanasis, Castle Close, Gold Award

And the overall winner for the Best Hanging basket in the town, who went home with the Pauline Howdon Trophy was Mr Adrian Porter of Scales Crescent.

Moving onto our remarkable schools who support this competition each year and welcome Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Nursery into the school to chat with teachers and pupils about what they are doing.  This year the school competition has stepped up a gear with all schools achieving a Gold or above which is remarkable, and better still they talk to us about the future and doing even more.

Prudhoe West Academy – Gold

Adderlane Academy – Gold

St Matthews RC Primary – Gold

Mickley First School – Gold

Highfield Middle School – Gold

Prudhoe Castle First School – Platinum & Runner Up

Ferndene  – Platinum & Winner

All prize vouchers for the SCHOOL ENTRIES were donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre, Mickley.

We alternate the judge for our Churches each year and this year the judge was Mrs Vivienne Bolton from Corbridge, a real flower and gardens expert who was recently back from a flower competition in the Caribbean.  All our Church gardens are maintained by volunteers not paid gardeners, here in Prudhoe there is a tremendous effort goes into looking after these areas for all.  Again the vouchers awarded to the winner and runner-up have been donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre.

St George’s Church – Bronze Award

St Mary Magdalene Church – Gold Award

Prudhoe Methodist Church – Gold Award

Edgewell Christian Centre – Platinum Award & Runner Up

Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church – Platinum Award & Winner, collected by Mr Tommy Wilson

THE OVERALL WINNER OF THE BEST FRONT GARDEN IN THE TOWN was Mr Adrian Porter of Scales Crescent, taking home the trophy.


To see the entries and winners in each ward, please click on the link below:

All residential entries


The Prudhoe in Bloom Committee:  Janet Porter, Moira Wooldridge, James Dobson, Chris Cuthbert, George McCreedy and Yvonne Ritchie

Our judges; Mrs Vivienne Bolton of Corbridge (residential and churches), Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Landscaping (schools), James, Janet and Moira (businesses) and also Moira for the fantastic photographs.

Tyne Valley Garden Centre at Mickley for sponsoring the School and Church competition, stalwarts since 2012.

Prudhoe Parish Hall and Coffee Morning for allowing us to use the hall for the presentation and for the fabulous treats on offer.

Prudhoe & District U3A for allowing us to use the technology to show Moira’s wonderful photography and last but not least … everyone who has supported the competition, either by entering or coming here today.

The photographs of all our wonderful entries can be viewed on the Facebook page for Highfield Fest, if you have a Facebook Account just click on the link.

If you don’t have a Facebook Account and you want to view the video, please contact Sarah on (01661) 853487.


On the morning of Saturday 17th September, Prudhoe Parish Hall hosted the Prudhoe in Bloom Result Presentation Competition.  This was a local celebration of gardening effort and achievement, and community spirit.  Chairman Councillor Mrs Jennifer McGee said “lots of people in the town go an extra mile to make the place special and that is a lot of what Prudhoe in Bloom is about.  ‘Taking Pride in Your Patch’ is why we have the new Community Awards, we hope to build on these entries each year and see more and more examples popping up around the town.”

The Community Awards should be the most celebrated.  Those entered into the spirit of this section are those gardening and sprucing up patches that are not their own, they maybe beside where they live or an extension of their own garden but they are certainly doing ‘more’ to keep up appearances and make our little corner of the world a bit special.

Our entries were … the corner of Orchard Close as you turn right onto Park Lane; this area, including grass, hedging and plants is lovingly tended by Jim and Sheila Batey and we know that they grow their plants from seed and are given plants from friends which they share in their beautiful English Country Garden and at this site, that is passed by many on Park Lane.

We also had the much talked about Paddock Close, looked after by Tom Helm, George and Hazel Ather, Barbara and Hugh Robinson and Shirley Costello – a social media sensation!  The blooming results are the work of these 4 houses all pitching in and planting pots, tubs and baskets and if you haven’t seen them already, you must have a look.

We also had 2 entries from Ruskin Court.  One is a pair of neighbours, Peter and Cath Friend and Alan and Annette parker, cutting back shrubs, weeding, adding ornamental features and planting on the pathway from Ruskin Court to high Shaw.

The 2nd is 3 ladies, Elizabeth Christopher, Moira Wooldridge and Barbara Young who have weeded and planted a neglected lay-by for 3 years and they can now look on and see the results, as can all neighbours and people passing through.

And finally we had Bewick Garth at Mickley, this is quite a new project that started with grass-cutting at each side of the road that then went on to planting up tubs.  The area itself is enjoyed by residents, when the weather is kind, for village BBQ’s, the Queens Tea Party and fundraising events.  Julie & Marc Fleck, Joan & Terry Lee and George & Jan Hepburn are the force behind the initiative and further work is already underway!

This year, being the first, everyone who entered received an award certificate and a gardening gift voucher to continue their efforts.

THE BEWICK GARTH TEAM, Julie, Marc, Joan, Terry, George and Jan. GOLD AWARD

RUSKIN COURT/HIGH SHAW, Peter, Cath, Alan and Annette.  GOLD AWARD

3rd Place – RUSKIN COURT LAY-BY, Barbara, Elizabeth and Moira

2nd Place – ORCHARD CLOSE, Jim and Shelia Batey

1st Place – PADDOCK CLOSE, Tom, George, Hazel, Shirley, Barbara and Hugh

The council’s hanging basket award is a very special addition for 2016, created specially in memory of Mrs Pauline Howdon, the late wife of Rob Howdon who was there as an entrant and was able to present the award.  Son Gavin spoke of how much it had meant to his Dad to have the award in Pauline’s name.  Pauline and Rob entered the Prudhoe in Bloom competition from the beginning when Ian Warburton ran it on behalf of the council.  Pauline was a very special lady and we know that 2017 will see more hanging baskets than ever in Prudhoe gardens when loved ones, friends and Prudhoe Youth Football Club all enter in her honour.

The overall winner of the Best Hanging Basket in the Town was presented by Rob Howdon and Councillor Mrs Jennifer McGee to Mrs Diane Hull, Maple Grove.

Our remarkable schools support ‘Prudhoe in Bloom’ each year.  This year judging day was on the very last day of term, so you can imagine the scenes that welcomed Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Nursery … relaxed, calm and unexcitable children getting on quietly with their work …   not a chance, the judges interrupted discos, team games, parties and very high spirits, and that was just the teachers.

Our schools are great at getting pupils involved in the garden and some in eating their produce also.  Vivienne and Dean take great pleasure in speaking to pupils about their school gardens; sharing stories of success and garden disasters, which is all part of the learning process.

We are so grateful to the schools for welcoming us and for allowing the children to share their enthusiasm and learning with the judges.  Gardening in schools is very educational and the commitment of pupils and teachers is fundamental to the finished and very impressive results.  All prize vouchers for the school entries were been donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre, Mickley.

Adderlane First School (Silver Award)

Highfield Middle School (Gold Award)

Prudhoe West First School (Gold Award)

Prudhoe Castle First School (Gold Award & 3rd Place)

Ferndene (Gold & 2nd Place)

Mickley First School (Gold & 1st Place)


Onto our Churches:

Vivienne and Dean Readman also judged our church gardens this year, all of which are maintained by volunteers.

Again the vouchers awarded to the winner and runner-up have been donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre

St George’s Church (Bronze Award)


St Mary Magdalene Church (Silver Award)


Edgewell Christian Centre (Silver Award)


Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church (Platinum Award & Runner-Up)


Prudhoe Methodist Church (Platinum Award & Winner)


Local ‘In Bloom’ volunteers Janet Porter, Moira Wooldridge and James Dobson were our judges of ther Business Entries.

This is not a competition whereby businesses are pitted against each other; it is a commendation for effort and achievement.

Truffles Hair Salon (Silver Award)

Reflections Hair Salon (Silver Award)

Ginevra (Silver Award)

Ball’s Restaurant & Tearoom (Platinum)

Casey’s Cupcakes (Gold Award)

The Hair Boutique (Gold Award)

La Piccola (Silver Award)

Adderlane Surgery (Silver Award)

Thompsons of Prudhoe (Gold Award)

Plunketts Tiling (Gold Award)

Ready Steady Knit (Gold Award)

West Wylam Inn (Silver Award)

Elizabeth Evans (Silver Award)

Eastgate Manor (Gold Award)

Walnut Hair & Beauty (Silver Award)

Red Brick House (Platinum Award)

The Bait Box (Gold Award)

Yellow Estate Agent (Silver Award)

Finally the awards for the Best Residential Gardens in the Town.

Rear Gardens in the South Ward

Ian & Pauline Gilmore, Cheviot View (Silver & 3rd Place)

Denise and Joe Ridley, Adderlane Rd (Gold & 2nd Place)

Peter Hyman, Eastwood House (Gold & 1st Place)

Rear Gardens in the North Ward, all with platinum awards, that is 95%+

Andrew & Louis Ellison, Edgewell Road (Platinum & 3rd Place)

Rob Howdon, High Shaw (Platinum & 2nd Place)

Diane & Ivan Hull, Maple Grove (Platinum & 1st Place)

Rear Gardens in Mickley Ward

Marion Docherty, Burnside (Silver Award)

Liz Milton, Burnside (Gold & 3rd Place)

John & Sylvia Ellison, Riding Dene (Gold & 2nd Place)

Pauline & Robbie Armstrong (Gold & 1st Place)

Front Gardens in the South Ward

Denise and Joe Ridley, Adderlane Rd (Silver Award)

Adrian Porter, Scales Crescent (Gold Award)

Ian & Pauline Gilmore, Cheviot View (Gold & 3rd Place)

Peter Hyman, Eastwood House (Gold & 2nd Place)

Jim & Sheila Batey, Park Lane (Gold & 1st Place)

Front Gardens in the North Ward

Tom Teasdale, Miners Cottages (Silver Award)

Andrew & Louis Ellison, Edgewell Road (Gold Award)

George & Margaret Tindall, Otter Burn Way (Gold & 3rd Place)

Diane & Ivan Hull, maple Grove (Platinum & 2nd Place)

Rob Howdon, High Shaw (Platinum & 1st Place)

Front Gardens in Mickley

Marion Docherty, Burnside (Silver Award & 3rd Place)

Liz Milton, Burnside (Gold Award & 2nd Place)

John & Sylvia Ellison, Riding Dene (Platinum & 1st Place)

The overall winner of THE BEST FRONT GARDEN IN THE TOWN was awarded to Mr Rob Howdon of High Shaw; a very popular choice and given to rapturous applause.

And the winner of the trophy for THE BEST REAR GARDEN IN THE TOWN went to Mrs Diane Hull of Maple Grove.

Thanks…. as always the Council is very grateful to the ‘Prudhoe in Bloom Working Group’: Nadine McGee, Jennifer McGee, Janet Porter, Moira Wooldridge and James Dobson.

Our judges; Mrs Vivienne Bolton of Corbridge (residential), Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Landscaping (schools and churches), James, Janet and Moira (businesses) and also Moira for the fantastic photographs.

Tyne Valley Garden Centre at Mickley for sponsoring the School and Church competition

Prudhoe Parish Hall and Coffee Morning for allowing us to use the hall for the presentation,

and last but not least, everyone who supported the competition, either by entering or attending the presentation.

See you again next year!

(more photographs will be uploaded of the presentation as soon as possible)

Please enjoy the following video that contains all of the photographs taken by Mrs Moira Wooldridge as part of our local ‘Prudhoe in Bloom’ Competition.  This includes residential gardens, schools, churches and some businesses.

The presentation was shown at the Parish Hall on Saturday 12th September as part of the awards ceremony, when Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt handed out certificates, prize vouchers and silverware to our budding gardeners and volunteers in the town.

We hope you enjoy the video and are able to appreciate the beauty in the gardens and the amusing song choices that accompany the pictures.


Please click on the link for the full results for both Front and Rear Gardens in all wards of the town RESIDENTIAL RESULTS

Well done to everyone who entered.  There is a video link below of the photographs taken by Mrs Moira Wooldridge at the presentation on Saturday 12th September at Prudhoe Parish Hall.



(pictured left to right, Mrs Diane Hull, Mrs Sheila Batey, Mr James Batey and Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt)

Please click on the link to open all SCHOOL RESULTS

There were joint winners in the school category, Mickley First School and St. Matthew’s RC Primary School.

(pictured left to right, Mrs Bernadette Pye, Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt, Mrs Sally Webb and children from both Mickley First School, and St. Matthew’s RC Primary School)

Please click on the llink to open the complete CHURCH RESULTS

(pictured Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt with Mr Tom Teasdale who tends Prudhoe Methodist Church Gardens)

Please click on the link to read all of the BUSINESS AWARDS given

(pictured above, Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt and Mrs Cath Frost of SCA)

(pictured above, Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt and Mrs Hazel Eden of P Plunkett Tiling Ltd.)

More photographs of the fabulous gardens entered can be found on the photographs subpage.

We hope you enjoy looking at them.

All of our Prudhoe schools did really well in the annual Prudhoe in Bloom competition and our judges, Vivienne and Dean Readman of Hollybush Landscaping were so impressed with the improvements and changes made since last year.  Teachers and pupils deserve to be highly commended for their gardening efforts and they all received gardening vouchers, donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre at Mickley.

Mickley First School and St. Matthew’s RC Primary School were JOINT WINNERS of the trophy, the full results can be viewed HERE.

We are very lucky in Prudhoe to have so many volunteers and unsung heroes who serve and shape the town in many different ways.  Looking after church grounds is one of these and all of the churches entered into Prudhoe in Bloom are looked after by volunteers.

The overall winner of the church category was St. Mary Magdalene Church, with Our Lady & St. Cuthbert’s Church as runner-up.  The full results can be seen HERE.

The Business Category of the competition requires more entries, however those who entered into the spirit of it this year were delighted with their results and with the presentation itself.  We hope more businesses are able to enter and look forward to celebrating their efforts.  The results of the Business category can be seen HERE.

Residential gardens are grouped into the County Council wards of the Town; these are Mickley, Prudhoe North and Prudhoe South.  In each ward we have prizes for ‘best front garden’ and ‘best side/rear garden’.  As well as the ward results, there is also an overall winner for BEST FRONT & BEST REAR GARDEN IN THE TOWN.



Mrs Vivienne Bolton has been our residential judge since the competition started in 2005 and this year she commented that many of the gardens visited were of an exceptionally high standard.  The competition this year was very tight, with gardens achieving full marks, but all those entered enjoyed the community spirit of the event and continue to enjoy their gardens.

This year, the winner of the BEST FRONT GARDEN in the town was Mrs Ingram of Horsley View, West Wylam (Prudhoe South).  The winner of the BEST REAR GARDEN in the town was Mr & Mrs Scott of Lime Grove, Castle Dene (Prudhoe North).


The Prudhoe in Bloom Committee: Nadine McGee, Jennifer McGee, Moira Wooldridge, Joan Russell, James Dobson and Peter Nevin

Our judges; Mrs Vivienne Bolton of Corbridge (residential and churches), Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Landscaping (schools), Peter Nevin and James Dobson (businesses).

Our photographer, Mrs Moira Wooldridge.

Tyne Valley Garden Centre at Mickley for sponsoring the School and Church competition.

Prudhoe Parish Hall and Coffee Morning for allowing us to use the hall for our presentation.

Finally, to everyone who has supported the competition, either by entering or attending the presentation.

There were more entries to Prudhoe in Bloom this year than in any other year.  Possibly due to judging being later in the year or the improved conditions weather-wise; whatever the reason, the Town Council was delighted to receive these new entries, alongside the long-standing supporters of the event.

As always the judges commented on the great efforts of our schools and churches.  Gardening in schools is very educational and the commitment of pupils and teachers is fundamental to the finished and very impressive results.  Church grounds are all maintained by volunteers and it is heart warming to see the success that community spirit brings forth.

This year the Town Council and our Prudhoe in Bloom Working Group agreed to a new category for Business entries.  Take-up in this category was slightly disappointing, but hopefully we can encourage more interest in future years.

Yet again the standards in the competition were exceptionally high.  In view of this we have a new medal system of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, yes the standard is so high that a Gold medal is just not enough!

We awarded a winner and a runner-up in the Schools and Churches competition, as well as for the 3 wards in the Town; Mickley, Prudhoe North and Prudhoe South.  Winners and runners-up received gift vouchers for Tyne Valley Garden Centre, with all schools entered receiving a token voucher, donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre.

All entries received a certificate showing their overall medal and the mayor presented 4 cups for ‘Best School Gardens’, ‘Best Church Gardens’ and overall ‘Best Front Garden’ and ‘Best Rear Garden’ in the Town.

Summary of 2013 Results

Detailed School Results

Business Results

Detailed Church Results

Detailed Results for Mickley Ward

Detailed Results for Prudhoe North Ward

Detailed Results for Prudhoe South Ward

The Town Council would like to thank especially our judges; Mrs Vivienne Bolton of Corbridge (residential and churches), Dean and Vivienne Bolton of Hollybush Nursery (schools), Peter Nevin and James Dobson, Prudhoe in Bloom volunteers (businesses)

Additionally the Town Council would like to thank our photographer and In Bloom volunteer, Mrs Moira Wooldridge, as well as our other Prudhoe in Bloom Volunteers – Cllr Mrs Jennifer McGee, Mrs Joan Russell, James Dobson and Peter Nevin.

Once again Tyne Valley Garden Centre sponsored the schools competition, allowing all schools to receive a token gift voucher to encourage further development of their gardens.

As always the Town Council is grateful to Prudhoe Parish Church Hall Coffee Morning for allowing us to use the hall and being such wonderful hosts.

Last but not least, thank you to everyone who has supported the competition, either by entering or by taking an interest in the results.


Mickley First School

Adderlane First School

St Matthew’s RC Primary School

Prudhoe Castle First School

Prudhoe West First School

Highfield Middle School

Ferndene Children & Young People’s In Patient Services

Church Entries

Mickley Residential Garden entries

Prudhoe North Residential Gardens entries

Prudhoe South Residential Garden entries

Business Entries

On Saturday 22nd September, St. Mary Magdalene Church Hall coffee morning was the host for the Prudhoe in Bloom Gardening Competition.  This is an annual event that sees residents compete for best front and best rear gardens, as well as schools and churches for best kept grounds.

This year the awards were presented by Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt.  Mrs Burt said of the slideshow “I am surprised and delighted to see the vibrant and colourful gardens shown on the presentation, especially in view of the horrendous conditions this year.”

Before announcing the winners in the Town’s wards, Cllr Mrs Burt gave special thanks to Mrs Vivienne Bolton from Corbridge, who gave up her time again this year, to judge the residential entries.


The overall winners for ‘Best Front Garden’ and ‘Best Rear Garden’ in the Town were  Mr & Mrs Hull (Maple Grove) and Mrs & Mrs Scott (Lime Grove).  Both entrants were awarded full points for their rear gardens.  Mrs Bolton expressed that these gardens were of such a high standard, they could be made open to the public as part of the National Gardens Scheme.  Mrs Bolton was impressed with the care and attention shown to everything; as well as high quality planting and maintenance, colours were vibrant, bins were hidden and there were such a wide variety of plants in all manner of tubs and containers as well as beds – not a leaf was out of place.  Mr and Mrs Hull and Mr and Mrs Scott were delighted to receive trophies for their wonderful gardens.  Mrs Scott said during judging “gardening is my hobby, I take great pleasure in what I do and in the results.”

Next were the churches awards receiving certificates and vouchers donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre, Mickley.  Mary Kelly received a certificate on behalf of St Mary Magdalene Church and Cllr Peter Nevin on behalf of St. George’s Church, Mickley.  The runner-up in the churches category was St Mary Magdalene, with Our Lady and St. Cuthbert’s RC Church receiving the coveted silver rose bowl for ‘best church grounds’.  Cllr Mrs Burt commended the churches entered, adding “not one receives a gardening bill as all the work is done by volunteers.  Mr John Brennan at Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church, Mr Tom Teasdale at Prudhoe Methodist Church, Mr Peter Nevin and Mr Bill Forster at St George’s Church and Mr Tom Pattison and Mr and Mrs Hughes at St Mary Magdalene Church.”  Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s RC Church was also awarded a Silver Medal by Northumbria in Bloom for the ‘best kept grounds of a religious establishment’, when entered by the Town Council in August.  Mr Nino Tomczuk collected the prizes on behalf of Our Lady & St. Cuthbert’s RC Church.

The schools were the last to be presented with certificates and vouchers donated by Tyne Valley Garden Centre, Mickley.   These were judged by Dean and Vivienne Readman of Hollybush Nurseries and Landscaping, near Slaley.  This year the top prize for schools could not be separated and the joint winners of ‘best school gardens’ were Mickley First School and Highfield Middle School, who graciously agreed to share the trophy.  Cllr Mrs Burt described how impressed the judges were with all the schools entered and described of Mickley First School “our judges were really impressed that children of First School age were so keen and knowledgeable about gardening.   As well as bringing the community into the school, the gardening club have visited St George’s Church at Mickley to plant bedding and tree lillies, which are now in full bloom, and initiated a litter pick in the village.”  Of Highfield Middle School the judges stated “the knowledge and enthusiasm shown by the children at Highfield Middle School and their gardening expert, Mr Smith is equally impressive.  The children want to stay and work in the school gardens rather than take their breaks and it is obvious they are all green-fingered.”  Mrs Sally Webb was delighted to collect the trophy and prize on behalf of Mickley First School and Mrs Pamela Kidd on behalf of Highfield Middle School.  Mrs Kidd spoke afterwards “now that Mr Smith has retired, the children are managing the gardening club themselves; they are keen to continue Mr Smith’s high standards and regularly receive ‘jobs to do’ as well as keeping him up-to-date with all things horticultural.”  As a result of Prudhoe in Bloom Mrs Webb and Mrs Kidd discussed the possibility of a gardening exchange, where the children could visit each other’s plots.    Mrs Webb said “our gardening club would love to visit the larger growing plots at Highfield, it’s a lovely idea.”  Certificates and vouchers were also awarded to Adderlane First School and Prudhoe Castle First School.  Cllr Mrs Burt said “all our schools have made great efforts in horticulture and should be congratulated.  It would also be great to see some of the produce grown appearing in the Prudhoe Town Show next year, and perhaps winning some prizes.”

Cllr Mrs Burt also celebrated the Towns achievements in the Northumbria in Bloom regional competition.  As well as silver gilt medal for the Town, Ferndene Hospital and Prudhoe Gardeners Association received gold medals and Our Lady & St. Cuthbert’s RC Church and Eastgate Manor Care Home received silver medals.

It was a great morning of celebration and community.  Cllr Mrs Eileen Burt gave special thanks to the Parish Hall for refreshments and facilities; and to Creative Management for donating biscuits; to the judges; to Mrs Moira Wooldridge for taking photographs of the gardens as well as the presentation; to the ‘In Bloom’ volunteers, Cllr Mrs Jennifer McGee, Cllr Peter Nevin, Mrs Joan Russell and Mr James Dobson; to Tyne Valley Garden Centre for sponsoring the competition in the form of prize vouchers, and finally to everyone who entered.  Cllr Peter Nevin ended by appealing to all the green-fingered attendees to consider getting involved with ‘In Bloom’ to help shape the appearance of the Town.  The group currently meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 5:30pm in The Spetchells Centre.  If you would like to get involved please contact Sarah Eden at the Town Council on (01661) 835487 or e-mail

Our remarkable schools support this competition each year, not being deterred by the judging visit in the very last week of school before the summer break.  Vivienne and Dean Readman of Hollybush Landscaping are our school garden judges and they take great pleasure in speaking to pupils about their school gardens; sharing stories of success and garden disasters which is all part of the learning process. We are so grateful to the schools for welcoming us into their gardens each year and for allowing the children to share their enthusiasm and learning with the judges.

This year saw an increase in the number of entries to the Prudhoe in Bloom gardening competition.  The Town Council were delighted that all our schools and Churches entered as well as there being gardening enthusiasts represented from each Ward in the Town.

The gardening competition awards a cup for the best front and best back garden in the Town as well as prizes for the best front and rear garden in each of our Wards.  There are also cups for the ‘best kept church grounds’ and ‘best school garden’.

Winners and runners-up receive garden centre vouchers to continue their good work.  This year Tyne Valley Garden Centre have sponsored the schools competition and The Town Council have sponsored residential and Church winners.

Winners will be announced at a presentation at Prudhoe Parish Hall on Saturday 24th September from 10am.  Photographs of entries will be displayed on the day, in the meantime we hope you enjoy looking at them here.

Best Church Grounds

Prudhoe Methodist ChurchWinner
Our Lady and St. Cuthbert’s ChurchRunner-up
St. Mary MagdaleneOutstanding Contribution
St. George’s Church, MickleyOutstanding Contribution

Best School Gardens


St. Matthew’s Catholic Primary SchoolWinner
Highfield Middle SchoolRunner-up
Mickley First SchoolOutstanding Contribution
Adderlane First SchoolOutstanding Contribution
Prudhoe Castle First SchoolOutstanding Contribution
Prudhoe West First SchoolOutstanding Contribution
Prudhoe Community High SchoolOutstanding Contribution





Ward Winners and Runners-up



Mr and Mrs MetcalfOtter Burn WayBest Front Garden
Mr and Mrs HowdonHigh ShawBest Rear Garden
Mr and Mrs MetcalfOtter Burn WayRunner-up Best Rear Garden
Mr and Mrs HowdonHigh ShawRunner-up Best Front Garden
Mr and Mrs DixonOtter Burn WayOutstanding Contribution



Mr and Mrs HullMaple GroveBest Front Garden
Mr and Mrs ScottLime GroveBest Rear Garden
Mr and Mrs HullMaple GroveRunner-up Best Rear Garden
Mr and Mrs ScottLime GroveRunner-up Best Front Garden
Mr Andrew MabireWestern AvenueOutstanding Contribution




Mr HymanEastwood HouseBest Front Garden
Mrs Edna PorterParkwood AvenueBest Rear Garden
Mr HymanEastwood HouseRunner-up Best Rear Garden
Mrs Edna PorterParkwood AvenueRunner-up Best Front Garden
Mr and Mrs LeeHorsley ViewOutstanding Contribution
Mr and Mrs GoodfellowAdderlane RoadOutstanding Contribution
Mr and Mrs StowBiverfield RoadOutstanding Contribution
Mr and Mrs HallBiverfield RoadOutstanding Contribution




Mrs HudspithErrington PlaceBest Front Garden
Mrs HudspithErrington PlaceBest Rear Garden
Mrs Brenda HamiltonHomedaleRunner-up Best Rear Garden




Mr and Mrs TailfordRiding TerraceBest Front Garden
Mr and Mrs BroughElm StreetBest Rear Garden
Mr and Mrs BroughElm StreetRunner-up Best Front Garden