Litter Bins

Litter Bins

Prudhoe Town Council took over responsibility for the provision of litter bins from Northumberland County Council (NCC) in 2011; NCC still has responsibility for litter collection and the emptying of bins.

Prudhoe has over 130 litter/dog bins and there are still requests for more!  More recent requests for bins have been refused by NCC as they are either off-route or could encourage fly-tipping.

Residents are encouraged to report litter and dog fouling to Northumberland County Council as analysis shows that there are very few reports, although we frequently here about problem areas.

Recently the Town Council was fortunate to receive funding from the Cleaner Streets Fund.  We used this to buy signage ‘PLEASE TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME’, litter pickers and sheds for local schools and community groups with litter campaigns, and cigarette disposal units for the litter bins on Front Street that were made by local firm CJL Fenwick.

Since the above improvement the Town Council has invested in smart new bins for Front Street.  This smart new style of bin will replace those around the town when they also come to the end of their life-span.  The Town Council has a schedule for replacement in each financial year.