Town Councillors 2024-2025
Town Councillors
Prudhoe Town Council has provision for 15 Councillors, each representing a different ward of the town.
The ward for each street in Prudhoe & Mickley is detailed in the Streets and Wards document.
Our ‘Promoting Democracy’ Booklet gives further information about the wards of the town, the election process, and the role of a Town Councillor.
Further legal references and statutory information relating to the position of Councillor, is available HERE.
The work of a Town Councillor can vary from one Councillor to another. The three main areas of work are summarised below:
- Decision making – Through attending meetings and committees with other elected members, Councillors decide which activities to support, where money should be spent and what services should be delivered. Decision-making is collective and by voting.
- Monitoring – Councillors make sure that their decisions lead to efficient and effective services by keeping an eye on how well things are working.
- Getting involved locally – As representatives of the community, Councillors may be part of local groups and organisations and may represent individuals and take up issues on their behalf.
- A Town Councillor must represent the whole electorate not just those that voted for them.
- A Town Councillor must represent the views of the community.
- A Town Councillor has a duty to attend Council meetings.
- A Town Councillor has a duty to ensure the Council is ‘properly’ managed.
- A Town Councillor may represent a political party or may be independent.
- A Town Councillor must maintain proper standards of behaviour as an elected representative.
- A Town Councillor must abide by the adopted Code of Conduct and the Seven Principles of Public Life.
- A Town Councillor must never use their position to secure personal advantage for themselves, family, or friends.
- A Town Councillor must sign a declaration of acceptance of office and declare their interests.
- A Town Councillor must not do anything that brings the Council into disrepute.
- A Town Councillor is a volunteer and receives no financial reward.
- A Town Councillor is accountable to local people.
Please note that conduct in relation to interests and the registration of them, are regulated by the Localism Act 2011, sections 26-34. They require the Monitoring Officer of the principle council, i.e. Northumberland County Council, to establish and maintain the register, which is available in the link below.
Councillor Representatives on Outside Bodies 2024-2025
Introducing Prudhoe and Mickley Town Councillors
Castle & Eltringham Ward

Councillor Chris Barrett
Chair of Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Finance Committee
T:01661 612171

Councillor Jonathan Wheeler
Chair of Cemetery and War Committee
Vice Chair of Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Finance Committee
T:01661 598007

Councillor Duncan Couchman
Vice Chair of Council
Ex-Officio of all Committees
T:01661 832033
Castlefields & Low Prudhoe Ward

Councillor Gerry Price
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Human Resources Committee
Member Finance Committee
T:01661 833382

Councillor Ignasious Varghese
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Cemetery and War Memorial Committee
T:01661 599316
Mickley Ward

Councillor Christine Cuthbert
Chair of Finance Committee
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Human Resources Committee
Prudhoe Hall Ward

Councillor Kiran Bell
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Cemetery and War Memorial Committee

Councillor Glenn Simpson
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
T:07719 940 918 or 01661 835549

Councillor Carol Stephenson
Member of Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Human Resources Committee
Member Cemetery and War Memorial Committee
T:01661 598096 or 07904082698
Prudhoe West & Halfway Ward

Councillor Dorothy Dickinson
Chair of Human Resources Committee
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Finance Committee

Councillor Bryan Futers
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
T: 07493154770

Councillor Tracy Gilmore
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
West Wylam Ward

Councillor Jane Johnson
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee

Councillor Paddy O’Kelly
Member Planning, Contract and Works Committee
Member Finance Committee

Councillor Angie Scott
Chair of Council/Mayor of Prudhoe
Prudhoe North County Councillor
Ex-Officio of all Committees