Covid-19 Response

The Town Council office is closed.  The Clerk is working from home and can be contacted via email at or mobile 07495856624.

The Clerk is being supported to work from home, but also to direct attention towards the community response to Covid-19 locally.  In doing so, working closely with councillors, volunteers, and The Miners Lamp Café and Community Hub.  Volunteers achieved a heroic victory that was ensuring all homes and streets in Prudhoe were delivered with a contact name and number, to request help.  Those who are self-isolating or shielded can seek support with shopping and/or collecting prescriptions.

The Clerk is also the central point of contact for the Northumberland Hub.  Any requests for support received via the hub, will come through to the Clerk, to pick up, or to redirect to a volunteer.

We expect the number of people who are self-isolating to increase.  With this in mind, we plan to respond to shopping requests with basic food supplies; please understand, it may not be possible to fulfil shopping lists as the virus spreads locally.  Those who are ‘shielded’ are entitled to a weekly food parcel from Northumberland County Council, click here to register.

Town Council meetings are suspended until further notice, however, important decisions will continue to be made via delegated powers.

In terms of Town Council services, please note the following:

  1. Public Toilets are closed.
  2. Play Areas are closed, however parks maintained by Northumberland County Council remain open.
  3. Edgewell Cemetery remains open; social distancing should be fully adhered to.
  4. Allotments remain open; social distancing should be fully adhered to, further advice is available from Prudhoe Gardeners Association.
  5. Public Litter Bins continue to be emptied by Northumberland County Council.
  6. Bus Shelters will be cleaned as usual, every 3 months.
  7. Grass-cutting under contract with THC Landscapes will continue as permitted by Government, fully adhering to social distancing.
  8. Roundabouts and Gateways (maintenance) under contract with THC Landscapes will continue as permitted by Government, fully adhering to social distancing.
  9. Floral Bedding, Planters and Baskets under contract with Hollybush Landscaping.  Spring planting is expected to be removed in the last week of May, so we hope this will be permitted, even if social distancing is still the norm; we will, of course, continue to follow Government advice.  If summer planting cannot be carried out as planned, at the beginning of June, this will be delayed and plants will be cared for at Hollybush Nursery, until they can be safely planted.
  10. Annual Town Meeting of Electors (scheduled for 21st May); this has been cancelled.
  11. Annual Meeting of the Council (scheduled for 27th May); the Town Council has three options: a) to hold the meeting virtually, b) to carry on with the current chair, vice-chair, etc. until the Annual Meeting in May 2021, c) to elect a chair, vice-chair, etc. at an earlier meeting, as soon as is practicable.  This decision will be taken in due course.
  12. VE Day Events on the Glade have been cancelled.
  13. Highfield Fest Family Fun Day and Skate/Scooter Comp (scheduled for 28th June); this is 12 weeks away, therefore a decision will be taken in due course.
  14. Essity Prudhoe Miners Race (scheduled for 20th September) as above, a decision will be taken in due course.
  15. Planning Applications; we continue to respond to Planning Applications via delegated powers.
  16. Prudhoe In Bloom; with many people taking solace in their gardens, it is hoped that this event will still be possible; a decision will be taken in due course.

Please continue to stay informed of Government and NHS advice; stay home and stay safe.