Tribute to Ian Lowery
Prudhoe Town Council would like to pay tribute to Ian Lowery, who sadly died on Saturday. Most importantly the Council would like to offer condolences to Ian’s family and friends who are trying to come to terms with this tragedy.
George McCreedy, a former Town Cllr, and great friend of Ian, spoke about the loss to the Town and described that the community will never know the lengths Ian went to and just how committed he was to the Town.
George recounted that he had known Ian since the age of 9 and apart from Ian’s years at Blackpool FC, he had always been involved with Prudhoe Youth in some way. Whether that be as a football coach, football manager, volunteer youth worker and later a sessional youth worker and detached youth worker.
George commended how Ian would go above and beyond in his work in the community and that he worked with the most difficult to reach young people, in challenging circumstances, but that this was where Ian excelled.
Ian supported the Town Council for many years via his work with young people. In his role as a Youth Worker for Northumberland Youth Service, Ian regularly provided detached youth sessions on behalf of the Town Council, which spanned almost a decade.
Ian was instrumental in the ideas behind Highfield Fest, an event that celebrates youth culture. He attended each year to help the Town Council with the event, whether that be supporting the BMX/Scooter/Skate competitions, putting up gazebos or ferrying bands around. Ian enjoyed being involved and seeing the familiar faces of families and young people he had grown up with. Many of whom who he would know through football, the East Centre, or Prudhoe Youth Charity Shop.
Some people are always happy to help, Ian was one of them. He helped put up the town’s Christmas tree on a number of occasions. He was in the right place at the right time when the town’s Christmas tree snapped at the trunk and toppled over and he was a creative liaison when it came to coming up with themes for the Christmas Lights Switch-On. The Minions in 2015 were a triumph as were the tyre models of minions Ian created with young people from the East Centre. These made the stage for the switch-on event and he later delivered one to young Kian Musgrove as a special treat.
Ian’s work embraced community spirit. After his family and football, many would agree that serving this community came next and the Town Council is especially grateful for his contribution.
Our deepest sympathies are with Ian’s family, for whom his loss will be greatest.
The Council will observe one-minute silence at their meeting on 25th November.