The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Thursday 27th January, at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre
The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Thursday 27th January at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.
Prudhoe Town Council is holding the January Ordinary Meeting, including the Planning, Contract and Works Committee on Thursday 27th January at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.
The agenda and meeting papers are linked below.
The meeting is open to the press and public. We ask that anyone who wishes to attend contacts the Clerk in advance and also reads the risk assessment and meeting guidelines.
Enc ii) Highfield Park Improvements
Enc iii) Prudhoe Space for Nature – Email re Climate Change
Enc iv) Prudhoe Town Show – Email from Prudhoe Gardeners’ Association
Enc v) Jubilee Celebrations – Email regarding commemorate items
Enc vi) Transport North East – Letter supporting zero emission buses
Enc vii) Gentoo Housing Development – Email from resident re litter
Enc viii) Prudhoe History Society request – Headstone restoration
Enc ix) Grantfinder News, Queen’s Jubilee Fund – Email from Sam Talbot
Enc x) Bog Disaster Board – Prudhoe History Society
Enc xi) Storm Arwen Task Force – Email from NCC
Enc xii) Playground Inspection Reports