The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Thursday 3rd March at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.
The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Thursday 3rd March at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.
Prudhoe Town Council is holding the February Ordinary Meeting (postponed from 24th February due to staff availability), on Thursday 3rd March at 6:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.
The agenda and meeting papers are linked below.
The meeting is open to the press and public. We ask that anyone who wishes to attend contacts the Clerk in advance and also reads the risk assessment and meeting guidelines.
Enc ii) Cottier Grange Street Naming
Enc iii) Tyne Rivers Trust – e-newsletter
Enc iv) Friends of Eastwood Park – e-newsletter
Enc v) Keep Britain Tidy – Email request to join the Great British Spring Clean 2022
Enc vi) Walking request
Enc vii) Prudhoe Police Contact Information