ADVICE – Scams related to the NHS test and trace service, what to look out for…
Unfortunately, we have heard about some scams related to the test and trace service. Below you will find information that helps to identify a scam, allowing you to stay safe.
Contact tracers will:
- Call you from 0300 013 5000
- Send text messages from ‘NHStracing’
- Ask for your full name and date of birth to confirm your identity, and postcode
- Ask if you are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms
- Provide advice on what you must do
- Ask you to provide the name, telephone number and/or email address of anyone you have had close contact with in the 2 days prior to your symptoms starting.
Contact tracers WILL NOT:
- Ask you to dial a premium rate number (e.g. those starting with 09 or 087)
- Ask you to make any payments or purchases
- Ask for any details about your bank account
- Ask for any log in details/passwords/pins or those of your contacts
- Provide medical advice on treatment of potential coronavirus symptoms
- Ask you to access any website that does not belong to the government or NHS
- Ask you to download any software to your PC or ask you to hand over control of your PC, smartphone or tablet to anyone else
If you get a call about testing positive for coronavirus but you haven’t taken a test in the past few days then the call is not genuine.
Genuine communications through email or text message will not ask you for personal information upfront. Instead, they will request you go to the following website: https://contact-tracing.phe.gov.uk.
This is the only website a legitimate message will ask you to visit. You will be provided with a unique ID number to input into the website which is where you may need to provide more information, including date of birth, address, contact details of those you were in touch with and recent activities. If you are unsure whether a message is genuine, it may be best to enter the weblink yourself rather than click on it in the communication you receive.
If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive and have not tested positive yourself then you will not be asked to pass on the details of anyone else you have been in contact with. If you are asked for that information, it could indicate a fraudulent call.
If you are concerned about the identity of any contact you receive, you should not feel under pressure to provide information.
If you think that you have been subject to a scam you should contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. If there are financial implications you should let your bank know as soon as possible.
To read more, visit the website sources linked below.
Sources: AgeUK, NHS Test and Trace, Ofcom