Prudhoe Community Flood Plan – Flood Watch
In June 2019 Colin Hall (Community Engagement Officer – Northumberland, Flood Resilience) attended a meeting of Prudhoe Town Council to discuss implementing a Community Flood Plan for Prudhoe. A series of events were held throughout the Tynedale area and the recruitment of Community Flood Wardens was highlighted as the most prevalent issue.
Cllr Chris Barrett led a recruitment campaign for flood wardens and started the Facebook Group Prudhoe Flood Watch.
Today sees the formal launch of the Prudhoe Flood Action Group and Community Flood Plan. The work carried out and ongoing highlights the communities flood risk and the resilience measures that can be taken to try and lessen this threat. Cllr Chris Barrett is the Lead Warden and a further five Flood Wardens have been recruited for the area.
The Prudhoe Community Flood Plan details the steps that the group take when there is a possibility of flooding and when flooding occurs in Prudhoe. It offers the community a two-way line of communication with the Emergency Responders that deal with flooding in Northumberland.
Flood Wardens are the eyes and ears on the ground, they act as a link between the Environment Agency and communities at risk – getting vital information out to local residents.
The community has a contingency plan in place in the form of the Prudhoe Community Flood Plan, but needs more people to volunteer their time to ensure that the plan can be used effectively in the event of flooding. This is not a time consuming role, only requiring your support when flooding is possible and to ensure the plan remains up to date.
The Prudhoe Flood Action Group welcome new ideas and ways of working that could further enhance the excellent work they have already been doing.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Colin Hall (Community Engagement Officer) at Further details are available HERE Prudhoe Flood Wardens Needed.
Flood Wardens pictured: REAR Gillian Foster, Nick Athey, Cllr Tracy Gilmore (with guide dog trainee Bella), Marzena Marzec, County Cllr Gordon Stewart. FRONT Cllr Chris Barrett, Colin Hall