Road Ends Toilets Contract – Tenders Re-invited
Prudhoe Town Council is re-inviting tenders for the opening, closing and cleaning of the public toilets at the ‘Road-Ends’ opposite the Syntax.
Full details are available in the procurement documents linked below or by contacting the Council.
Contract Notice for Road Ends Toilets
It is the Council’s preference to award this as a contract to a local cleaning company. However, subject to interest, the Council is considering offering this opportunity as a part-time contract of employment, on a job-share basis, as an alternative to a cleaning contractor.
It is expected that a job-share contract would equate to 3.5 hours/day for the opening, closing and cleaning of the toilet block and would be paid at £10/hour. Please contact the Clerk to register interest. If the Council formally agrees this course of action, the post will be advertised and applications invited.
Please contact Sarah Eden on (01661) 835487 to request this information or email info@prudhoetowncouncil.gov.uk