Engaging with Town Council decisions

Prudhoe Town Council’s decision to keep closed those play areas at Highfield Park, Castledene, West Mickley and The Copse, has resulted in some negative comments on Facebook, as well as emails asking the Council to reconsider this decision.  If you have an opinion on this, either way, that you wish to make the Council aware of, please tell us.  There are procedures in place that allow residents to engage with decision-making.

Prudhoe Town Council is the first tier of Local Government and the closest to the community we serve.  The Council plays an important role in maintaining and improving local services and facilities, supporting local voluntary organisations and activities, and influencing and lobbying on local development issues.

Our activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs; striving to improve quality of life and community well-being.

There is an enormous potential for Town Councils to help create and shape their communities, with the involvement of the local community.  We are the most accessible point of democratic engagement and therefore vital to democratic engagement.

All Town Council decisions are taken at a legally convened meeting.  During to the current pandemic, meetings are being held via Zoom, but remain accessible for the public to attend.  The agendas for our meetings are made available 7-days in advance of the meeting, and residents are invited to contact the Council with comments relating to items on the agenda.

Residents who wish to raise matters with the Council, can do so in writing, preferably by email.  If you wish to contact us by telephone, we can arrange for comments to be taken this way.

Where matters are raised by members of the public that require debate by Council, these are received under items of correspondence, that way the Council can properly and legally agree to add to a future agenda.

Social Media is a modern platform for debate and the Town Council does use Facebook, alongside our website, to communicate with residents.  However, if you wish to contact the Town Council, we ask that you do so via email, post, or telephone; we will not respond to comments on Facebook.  You can also contact your Ward Councillor; details are available HERE.