Prudhoe Town Council will hold the March Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 31st March 2021, beginning at 7:00pm

Prudhoe Town Council continues to hold all meetings via Zoom and members of the press and public are welcome to attend.

The next meeting is the Ordinary Meeting, being held on Wednesday 31st March, beginning at 7:00pm.  You can attend the meeting by clicking on the join meeting link below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 949 6241 3224
Passcode: 295613

The agenda and papers for the meeting are listed below and can be downloaded by clicking on each link.


Enc i) PYP- End of the financial year update

Enc ii) DRAFT Minutes VOM240221

Enc iii) DRAFT Minutes PCWs 10032021

Enc vi) Updated Budget & Expenditure 2020-21 (March)

Enc vii) Bank Reconciliation 9th March 2021

Enc viii) ATP310321

Enc ix) Photocopier

Enc x) Elections Timetable – 6th May 2021

Enc xi) Polling Station Changes

Enc xii & Enc xiii) Bus Shelters & Street Furniture on land that belongs to Karbon Homes