The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council is the Cemetery Committee, being held on Wednesday 24th March 2021
The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council is the Cemetery Committee, being held on Wednesday 24th March 2021, commencing at 7:00pm via Zoom.
Like all Prudhoe Town Council meetings, members are the press and public are welcome to attend (other than for confidential items).
To join the meeting, click on the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 987 7690 0295
Passcode: 060579
The agenda and associated papers are all available in the links below:
Cemetery Committee AGENDA 240321
Enc i) Draft Minutes CEM04112020
Enc ii) Clerk’s Report – March 2021
Enc iii) Cemetery SLA April 2019
Enc iv) Cemetery Activity 2020-21
Enc v) Cemetery Maintenance Report – March 2021
Enc vi) and Enc vii) Memorial Stability Testing
Enc viii) Cemetery Income Expenditure Tables (5 years)
Enc ix) Cemetery Income Expenditure Charts (5 years)
Enc x) Cemetery Income Expenditure Charts (5 years) 2
Enc xi) Comparing Cemetery Fees 2021 (Resident Table)
Enc xii) Comparing Cemetery Fees 2021 (Non-Resident Table)
Enx xiii) Comparing Cemetery Residents Fees 2021 (Bar Chart)
Enc xiv) Comparing Cemetery Non-Resident Fees 2021 (Bar Chart)