Supporting resident representations in Local Transport Plan Priorities submitted

Northumberland County Council annually request transport priorities from Prudhoe Town Council.  We are asked to select three, that are then considered, alongside many others, for inclusion in the Local Transport Plan Programme for the following year.

In making their decision, Prudhoe Town Council rely upon representations from members of the public made to the Town Council, and those made directly to Northumberland County Council (NCC).  Those made directly to NCC are shared with us in advance, from their database.  The database includes a record of requests received that year, from members of the public.

Whilst there are many priorities that have been put forward by Prudhoe Town Council that have not made it into the Local Transport Plan Programme, some have secured sufficient support and merited inclusion, as detailed below (years that PTC requested inclusion):

  • Redwell Road, South Rd, Homedale Resurfacing (2015, 2016)
  • Front Street Resurfacing (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
  • Mickley Square Pelican Crossing (2016)
  • South Road Pelican Crossing (2017, 2018)

This year, Prudhoe Town Council has proposed the following priorities for inclusion in the 2021/22 Local Transport Plan Programme:

  1. To improve highways safety and parking issues on the Castlefields Estate in advance of the opening of Tyne View Retail Park.  The Town Council support the introduction of a 20mph speed limit on Castlefields Drive and the removal of chicanes.  The Town Council has previously requested this (2018, 2019) and been advised that the chicanes could not be removed.  Residents and members living on the estate are 100% behind the chicanes being removed and replaced with an alternative speed reducing measure.  Presently, chicanes result in poor visibility of oncoming traffic and parking issues.  There are posts at each end of the estate which could hold interactive speed signs, these have been proven to work elsewhere in the County and in the Town.
  2. To improve highway and pedestrian safety, and reduce parking issues on Eastwoods Road, on the stretch than runs directly past Eastwoods Park.  Whilst Eastwood Park has ample car parking, there are reported incidents of vehicles being parked on the left-hand side of the road, creating a single carriageway, blocking access, and causing road safety concerns as children exit cars directly onto the road.  Organisations within Eastwoods Park actively encourage use of the car park, but issues have continued over many years and this is now exasperated as the park becomes more well used (which is a very positive step).  The Town Council would welcome NCC Highways looking at solutions to this persistent problem.
  3. To support those residents who have requested residents parking at Burnside, Mickley.

Transport priorities are agreed by Prudhoe Town Council in September each year, but we are not the Highway Authority.  Members of the public can contact NCC Highways throughout the year to makes requests.