Public Toilets reopened following measures to support reducing risks in light of Covid-19
The public toilets at the bottom of South Road, opposite the Syntax, will reopen tomorrow. The toilets have remained closed while the Council implemented those control measures identified in the Risk Assessment, to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19.
We have installed no-touch taps and flushing mechanisms in men’s, women’s and accessible toilets, as well as taking one of the cubicles in the women’s toilets out of action.
The main doors to both the men’s and women’s toilet blocks will be hooked open during opening times (7:00am – 6:00pm every day, excluding Christmas Day), enabling no touch on entry and allowing members of the public to ensure others are not inside before they go in. The accessible toilet will continue to be available for those who have a radar key.
The toilets will have an additional mid-day clean, in addition to cleaning on closure or prior to opening.
- The toilets have a strict one-person entry (or one person with carer).
- Please wash or sanitise your hands on entry and before you leave.
- Please do not use the facilities if you have symptoms of Covid-19.
- Please avoid touching surfaces as much as possible.
- Please maintain a safe 2-metre distance if you are waiting to use the facilities.
Toilets will remain open as long as additional measures are being adhered to. Users should report any mis-use or unacceptable standards to the Town Council on (01661) 835487, at the earliest opportunity.
Thank you for your patience, please support us in efforts to keep everyone safe.