A New Term of Office for Councillors at Prudhoe Town Council (2021-2025)

A newly elected member can act as a Councillor from the fourth day after the election, when sitting Cllrs resign their seats.

New and existing Cllrs are required to sign a declaration of acceptance of office before or at the first meeting of the Council, being held on 19th May.

The Clerk has invited new and existing Cllrs for induction to Prudhoe Town Council at the earliest opportunity and offers warm congratulations on their take up of office from tomorrow.

Castle & Eltringham

Cllr Chris Barrett

Cllr Duncan Couchman

Cllr Jonathan Wheeler

Castlefields and Low Prudhoe

Cllr Gerry Price

Cllr Ignasious Varghese


Cllr Chris Cuthbert

Prudhoe Hall

Cllr Kiran Bell

Cllr Glenn Simpson

Cllr Carol Stephenson

Prudhoe West & Halfway

Cllr Dorothy Dickinson

Cllr Bryan Futers

Cllr Tracy Gilmore

West Wylam

Cllr Robert Blackburn

Cllr Jane Johnson

Cllr Angie Scott