Next Meeting – Wednesday 11th August 2021

The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Wednesday 11th August, beginning at 7:00pm, in meeting room 1 at The Spetchells Centre.

The meeting is open to the press and public.  Our Risk Assessment requires that anyone who wishes to attend the meeting in person, reads the risk assessment and meeting guidelines in advance.

The meeting will not be live-streamed.  At the Full Council meeting in September, members will consider the feasibility of live-streaming from a budget perspective.

The agenda and associated papers for the meting are linked below:


Enc i) Draft OM&PCW 280721

Enc iii) Seating on B6395 near The Falcon

Enc iv) Highfield Park treesafety_report

Enc v) The Glade treesafety_report

Enc vi) Station Roundabout treesafety_report

Enc vii) Road Ends Toilets treesafety_report