Prudhoe Town Council Meeting – Wednesday 30th June 2021, 7:00pm

It was great to see that so many people watched the first live-streamed Prudhoe Town Council meeting, our Annual Meeting on 19th May.

During COVID restrictions, all our meetings were held virtually by Zoom, and whilst we saw some faces from the public, nothing like the response to the Facebook live stream.  The legislation that  allowed virtual Council meetings during lockdown expired on 7th May.  We continue to work to ensure Council business is conducted legally, safely and democratically.  With that in mind, the next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held in Prudhoe United Services Club; a large venue allowing the required social distancing, as well as being live streamed.

The meeting is being held on Wednesday 30th June, at 7:00pm and will be live streamed via Facebook.

The meeting is open to the press and public.  Our Risk Assessment requires that anyone who wishes to attend the meeting in person, contacts the Clerk in advance to ensure social distancing and attendance protocol are fully understood and adhered to.

The agenda and associated papers for the meeting are linked below in PDF.  There is a second AGENDA in Word format with links to the original documents in Word and Excel, where available.

AGENDA for meeting on 30th June 2021

AGENDA (Word) for meeting on 30th June 2021

Enc i) DRAFT-Minutes-Annual-Meeting-PCWs-190521


Enc iii) Clerk’s Report – June

Enc iv) Budget and Expenditure 2021-22 (June)

Enc v) Bank Reconciliation – June 2021

Enc vi) Accounts Payable Schedule 300621

Enc vii) Alternative Scheme of Delegation

Enc viii) The Glade Joint Working Group

Enc ix) PYP Progress Report to Prudhoe Town Council (June)

Enc x) Stomping Ground Forest School may Half-Term Report

Enc xi) Karbon Homes – Castle Lea Play Park

Enc xii) RBL 100 years

Enc xiii) Resident Letter – Seats

Enc xiv) Resident Letter – Live Streaming

Enc xv) Resident Letter – Public Transport

Enc xvi) Christmas Lights Repairs and Improvements