Prudhoe Town Council’s final meeting of this council term will be held on Wednesday 28th April, commencing at 7pm via Zoom
Prudhoe Town Council’s final meeting of this council term will be held on Wednesday 28th April, commencing at 7pm via Zoom.
To join the meeting, please click on the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 3146 8313
Passcode: 353068
The agenda and papers for the meeting are attached below, please click on each item to open an accessible PDF. Items i) to iv), vi) and xv) will be added tomorrow.
Enc i) DRAFT Minutes VOM31032021
Enc ii) DRAFT Minutes PCWs 140421
Enc v) Budget and Expenditure 2021-22
Enc ix) IA Assessment of Internal Controls
Enc x) Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2020-21
Enc xi) EOY Bank Reconciliation 2020-21
Enc xii) Assets Register (updated 2020-21)
Enc xiii) Secion 2 Accounting Statements 2020-21
Enc xiv) Notice of Public Rights