The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Wednesday 24th February 2021, commencing at 7:00pm
The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council will be held on Wednesday 24th February 2021, commencing at 7:00pm, via Zoom.
The meeting will hear an update from Mortal Fools about a project to engage with young people who may face barriers to getting involved in activities and opportunities. Additionally, the Council is seeking to establish responsibility for general maintenance on ‘The Glade’, a focal point of the Town Centre.
Local history will be discussed in two items on the agenda. Ebenezer Chapel in West Wylam has been listed for sale recently. Ward Cllrs seek the Council’s support to write to request that the building is maintained historically and for the good of the community. Historical references are a key theme in the street names being proposed for presentation to Gentoo for the Cottier Grange development.
The meeting is open to the press and public, via the Zoom platform, please click on the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 3221 6284
Passcode: 234655
Enc i) PTC Action Research Project Update – Feb 2021
Enc ii) DRAFT Minutes VOM270121
Enc iii) DRAFT Minutes PCWs 100221
Enc vi) Updated Budget & Expenditure 2020-21 (February)
Enc vii) Bank Reconciliation 9th Feb 2021
Enc xii) Background Ebenezer Chapel
Enc xiii) Street Names Group Recommendations – Cottier Grange