The Annual Meeting of the Council including the Planning, Contract and Works Committee will be held on Thursday 19th May at 7:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.

The Annual Meeting of the Council, including the Planning, Contract and Works Committee will be held on Thursday 19 May at 7:00pm in The Spetchells Centre.

The agenda and meeting papers are linked below.

The meeting is open to the press and public.  We ask that anyone who wishes to attend contacts the Clerk in advance and also reads the risk assessment and meeting guidelines.

Agenda Annual190522

Enc i) PCW’s Terms of Reference (as amended)

Enc ii) HR Committee Terms of Reference (as amended)

Enc iii) Cemetery Committee Terms of Reference (as amended)

Enc iv) PTC Financial & Management Risk Assessment, May 2022

Enc v) Assets Register CURRENT

Enc vi) Insurance

Enc vii) Code of Conduct (adopted 2019)

Enc viii) Standing-Orders-as-amended

Enc ix) complaints-procedure-ADOPTED-2013-14-amended

Enc x) Social Media Policy, March 2019

Enc xi) Equal Opportunities Policy, March 2019

Enc xii) Financial-Regulations-2019 (1)

Enc xiii) Model Publication Scheme

Enc xiv) Co-option Best Practice

Enc xv) Outside Bodies

Enc xvi DRAFT Minutes OM280422

Enc xvii) DRAFT Minutes PCW140422

Enc xviii) Correspondence

Enc xxi) April Playground Inspection Reports

Chair Annual Report May 2022