Town Council Meeting – Looking at the financial year ahead – Budget 2021/22

The next meeting of Prudhoe Town Council is the Ordinary Meeting, including the setting of the 2021/22 Budget.  This is a public meeting which will be held virtually, via zoom, on Wednesday 27th January 2021.

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Meeting ID: 966 4253 5649
Passcode: 664252

Although there is still a great deal of uncertainty around, Prudhoe Town Council, like everyone, has to put plans in place for the coming financial year.  The budget for the financial year commencing April, is agreed in January.  This enables us to make the precept demand to Northumberland County Council.

The precept is the tax collected on our behalf from the taxpayers of Prudhoe, via the Council Tax bill.  When setting our budget, we can estimate the amount of precept each household will pay, based on a tax base supplied by Northumberland County Council.  The indicative tax base is based on the number of Band D properties, a formula used for every Town and Parish.

The budget and resulting precept demand will be agreed at a meeting on Wednesday 27th January.  Our meeting agenda and accompanying papers are available below.  Residents are welcome to attend or to send questions.

Prudhoe Town Council is committed to the redevelopment of Highfield Park Skate Park and committed initial funding in January 2020.  A user group was set up in March 2020, but sadly only only meet once, prior to the Coronavirus outbreak.  The project continued; Highfield Park was recognised as an asset of community value later in the year and the Town Council secured a longer lease for the park from Northumberland Estates.  More recently, the opportunity to tender for the design and build of a £180k concrete skate park has been advertised.

Highfield Park Skate Park will feature heavily in budget discussions on Wednesday.  The Town Council will agree how to achieve the final financial hurdle.  Members of the public who have questions or comments are encouraged to get in touch.

OM Budget AGENDA 270121

Enc iii) Updated Budget & Expenditure 2020-21

Enc iv) Bank Reconciliation 8th January 2021

Enc v) ATP 280121

Enc vi) PTC Financial & Management Risk Assessment, Jan 2021

Enc vii) Draft Budget 2021-22 A

Enc viii) Draft Budget 2021-22 B

Enc x) Asset Management – Budget 2122 onwards

Enc xi) PESTEL Analysis 21-22

Enc xii) Annual Report and Annual Meetings

Enc xiii) NALC – Elections Recharge